Monday, December 9, 2013

Cub Mobile Racing

Spencer has been part of a local Cub Scout Troop for just over a year.  On September 14th they had a Cub Mobile Racing Day.  They Scouts competed, but in between real runs, they let other kids take rides.  (That way Zack could participate as well since our church troop isn't as well funded or put together.)  It was a very fun day.
Spence and Jon waiting to ride...
 A close up of my boy...
 Zack getting a turn after his soccer game...
 Awards at the end.  Spencer wasn't in the top three for his age group.  His light weight may have been a factor.
There was a car show going on across the street that day, so James and the boys wandered over to take look at these oldies but goodies.

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