Sunday, August 29, 2010

A New Skirt--for me this time

I've got some fabric from a friend [Thanks Kim](a long while back) and finally got around to making something with it. Orginally, I was going to make a skirt for Kate, but in the end I made something for me. (Kate can borrow it if she wants.)


  1. Cute skirt. And you are looking good too! (I'm trying to decide if never having to share clothes with my kids is a pro or a con. :-)

  2. Nice job! I love how it turned out!


  3. Thanks Harm. I wonder sometimes about sharing clothes. It's not always a good thing--kids aren't as careful with their clothes. So, I think it's a plus that you won't ever have that problem.

    Thanks Kim. It's nothing fancy, just a simple A-line, but it works and it was nice to have something NEW to wear.

  4. Woman!!! How is it I am just finding your blog? C'mon!!!

    I love you and love that you are still the best seamtress in the world!

    I will be coming back.

  5. i found you in the blogging world... :) cute skirt! very impressed.

  6. cute skirt... i like the fabric. I still have some material for another skirt for myself. I did make my niece a skirt for her b-day though double ruffle). i'll have to send you the pattern.
