Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our Garden

So far, the vegetable garden is doing well. Last year, we grew some nice broccoli plants, but never got broccoli. We ate our first head of brocolli yesterday for dinner. It was good. The lettuce was pumpled by the hail and rain this past week, but is growing and is close to using. We got the second garden box planted and look forward to zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and basil. We also planted mint. [Very yummy in fresh homemade lemonade.]

Our new garden box...
The head of broccoli we ate for dinner...(since we spent a bunch buying the lumber, dirt, stones for the path in between the two garden boxes, etc. I told James it was our $33 head of broccoli. [If more plants produce, it will reduce the brocolli's value.]
More broccoli to come...
Red potato plants (can't wait for these)...
Lettuce (green leaf on the left, romaine on the right)...

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks great! I'm impressed! Ours is partially planted, but not much coming up yet, especially with three inches of snow yesterday morning. :(

    Love mint in homemade lemonade! We tried basil and rosemary for the first time last year. Fresh herbs are so good in recipes.
