Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday at Youth Conference

Sunday, after YW's held in our house and sacrament meeting with the local ward there in Nauvoo, we traveled to Carthage, IL.
 Carthage Jail was also the home to the Jailer and his family.

 An old dish...
In the kitchen...
 A bed...
Blurry view of the fireplace...
A holding room...
Original flooring in the holding room...
Our guide...
From the window in that holding room...

 The dungeon room where Joseph Smith did spend some time...
One of the only small windows there in the dungeon room...
The room Joseph & Hyrum Smith were in when they were killed along (John Taylor and Willard Richards) were there too...
Their view out one window...
The window from which Joseph Smith fell...
A bullet hole through the original door from the shooting (which may have killed Hyrum)...
A well where Joseph fell from the window and then propped himself up...
The window from which he fell...
Jordan by the well...
Me and Jordan below the window...

In the visitor's center...

Waiting to see a film at the visitor's center (Jordan is in back, Kate is seated towards back right)...

After Carthage, we had a couple of hours of free time before dinner.  Since we hadn't had a lot of time in old Nauvoo the day before, Jordan and I opted to return. [Thanks to Pres. and Sister Beheshti for the ride.]
John Taylor's home...
 After they exited Nauvoo, one child, of Bro. Taylor's, cried and cried that they had left the rocking horse.  John Taylor snuck back into town to get it for him.
 Other original artifacts from the Taylor home...

 Next we went to the printing shop.
This is type set for the paper called the Nauvoo Neighbor (which reported more of the secular happenings)...

We learned some very interesting things that come from being/working in a print shop.
First is that Capital letters are also known as upper case letters because they were stored in the upper case.
Small letters, were kept in the lower case.

Here's a blurry shot of the letters p and q.
The saying:  Mind your p's and q's also comes from a print shop because when setting type with backwards letters, you had to be sure you had your p's and q's identified correctly since they are so similar.

 Ink rollers...
 Jordan learning about the printing press.
 A shot of the printing press...
 The paper that had more information of the church was called the Times and Seasons...

Brigham Young's home was next on our agenda...

These dishes were actually found on site broken.  Someone figured out how to repair and restore them.  So this table displays the dishes at different levels of repair.  The last one, you can't even tell was ever broken and put back together.
 Here's a shot of that dish...
 More original dishes...

 A bed with the trundle bed underneath you could pull out...

Here is posted a list, distributed by the church, to members of what a family would need for their journey.
Item #10 reads:  1 lb. Tea and 5 lbs. Coffee (this was after the word of wisdom revelation)

Next was the Tinsmith Shop...
 An LDS tinsmith was the first to make patters to follow for what he is making...

 We learned that each family had their own pattern stamped into/on their lanterns.
(So at night, you could tell from the lighted pattern, who was walking out in the dark, by the family pattern.)
 I ran into Sister Hoen from my home stake who had only been out on her mission for a week and a half.

The post office boxes...

 Running Water...
(If you wanted water to move across town, you moved it like this on your own.)

Lucy Mack Smith's home...

We stopped to take a group photo with the Nauvoo Temple behind us...
 Kate, Jordan and I are all on the front row kneeling.  Kate in a grey coat, Jordan in bright blue, I'm in grey.
 Wild and crazy shot...

Then we began what is called the Trail of Hope.  The last mile of the road, down to the Mississippi River, heading out of town.  Their were signs posted every 20 feet or so with quotes and sayings from the saints that participated in the exodus.  We were all given the name of someone who made this journey as well and it told what is know about them.  Whether they made it, died along the way, if the remained faithful, etc.

A look back from the trail at the glorious and beautiful Temple the saints had to leave after being endowed.
My photo with the old iPhone camera...
 Bro. Hartzell's photo looking back...
 At the end of the trail there was an old ferry that would have helped saints get their wagons across.  A group of saints were also able to walk across the river because it was so cold, it had frozen over.
[We were cold and it was freezing, but nothing compared to those saints.]
Front row: Jordan, Kaylianna, Michelle, Julia, and Gloria
Back row:  Kate and Lauren

 Kathie and our fearless leader, Sister Karen Beheshti...
 Jordan looking from the ferry, out across the river...
 Bro. Hartzell got this shot of Jordan on the river's edge.
We ended by hearing some words from our Stake President and singing the hymn Come Come Ye Saints.
(Then it was off to the visitor's center for Testimony meeting.)

This was a wonderful, once in a lifetime experience for me/us.  We had never been their before.  Although I didn't need to go to Nauvoo and Carthage to know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, there were opportunities for a further witness that he is indeed a prophet of God and that he restored His true church to the earth.

We did packing and house clean up and headed out by 7:30am Monday morning for our long bus ride back to Arkansas.

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