Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thankful postings

Each year, in the month of November, we tape a paper to our bedroom doors and record one thing we are thankful for every day.  I have also been posting them on Facebook.  I thought it would be good to share them here as well.

#1. That we made it in the nick of time for Kammie's beginning band concert last night and that she has the opportunity to develop a new talent.
#2 all the kiddies are tucked safely in their beds tonight!
#3. Being able to finally get the sealings to parents done for my family names on our temple trip to Memphis! And for the kind ward members who were willing to stay and help. Your generosity is amazing.
#4 Thankful to have and be able to bear my testimony formally in sacrament meeting and through teaching in Young women's today.
#5. I am grateful for some down time, to take a bath and read my book (Killing Kennedy).
#6 Grateful for the freedoms installed by our founding fathers and for the opportunity to have our voices heard by voting. May our country return to God and the greatness he brought about with this great nation!
#7 Extremely grateful for the great leaders who serve my children through various organizations in the church...cub scouts, activity days, young women's, primary teachers, Sunday school teachers, etc. They often go above and beyond!
#8 I am grateful that Heavenly Father created so many different animals for us to learn from and enjoy. We had a great time at the zoo today.
#9 The ability to READ.
#10 Answers to prayer. Extremely grateful to have found that which was lost!
#11 I am extremely grateful for the brave men and women who serve or who have served our country in the military.  Many giving their lives. My favorite veteran will always be G-pa Stan. Can't wait to meet him someday.
#12 I am grateful for technology and all the modern conveniences that help me accomplish all my jobs (my washer and dryer to do laundry, an oven to bake bread and to make all sorts of things, computers to keep in touch with family, friends, news, etc. and on and on...)
#13. I am thankful for the Sun! It's light brightens our days and warms us even in winter. He does so many countless things that bless my life. (There is also another Son to be grateful for.)
#14 I am grateful for good health. My cough is back with a vengeance (ragweed allergy probably) but feeling sick reminds me how grateful I am for good health the majority of the time. I've been blessed with health miracles that put me where I am today. I acknowledge God's hand in preserving my life and making it possible for me to be a Mom!
#15 I am grateful to be a stay at home mom so I can be there when my kids need me and even when they don't. It was nice to share thanksgiving school lunch with my boys today.
#16 (I was able to do Thanksgiving breakfast, I mean, lunch with Sidnie at her school today--they eat so early.) I am thankful for the ability to work! Sometimes the job is easier, sometimes it is Not. But it always feels good to finish a job and have that sense of accomplishment.
#17 I am eternally grateful for my husband. James is and always has been an extremely hard worker. I am thankful for all he does to provide for our family. He protects and watches over us. He faithfully serves in his callings. He is always willing to serve. He honorably holds the priesthood which blesses our family in many ways. His hobbies usually include extra chores or things that need to be done at home or for a neighbor. I'm blessed by his love and example. Thanks for going to the marathon swim meet today with our swimmers! I love you.
#18 I am thankful for inspired words taught by great leaders. (That was an excellent fireside this evening Joshua Clausen)
#19 I am grateful to be a mother. It's a difficult and rewarding responsibility. I know that I have been given a great gift to be able to have conceived and given birth to 6 amazing and completely different spirits/personalities. I learn much from them and know I don't live up to the title as I should, but I sure will keep striving to do better.
#20. I am grateful for the beautiful warm Fall day. Today was gorgeous here weather-wise .
#21 I am thankful for my mother. I am grateful she is only a phone call away when I need advice or wisdom. I am always humbled that she was the best mother without having hers to rely on.
Top of Form #22 I am grateful to have a day to reflect on all my many blessings, to be surrounded by my family of creation and good friends. And Kickball was fun twice today.
#23 Grateful for time with family and a few deals shopping on Black Friday.
#24 I am grateful for my Dad, Terry Olson. I love his sense of humor, his love of all things WW II (which is really a search of his own father, that he never knew), his knowledge, inspiration, and wisdom he freely shares. He is truly Incredible!
#25 I am eternally thankful for my Savoir and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  It's wonderful to have a season to reflect upon and celebrate Christ's birth.  (I hope we can all have more Christ in Christmas.)  I am indebted to Him for his Great Atoning Sacrifice on my behalf.  I need those chances to make mistakes and then repent of those things.  Being a mother and having sons of my own, I am indeed grateful to a loving Father in Heaven that was willing to let his son be sacrificed to save us all.  That had to be more than extremely hard to see him go through that.  I only hope I can become who they want me to become.
Bottom of Form 1

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