Spencer eating his peanut butter sandwich.
Sidnie with Spencer...
The Penguins are new to the Little Rock Zoo since we went the last time (which has been serveral years). [I don't know if Sidnie has ever been to the Zoo that she remembers.]
More Gorillas...
Spencer in front of the Gorillas...
Spencer got a token for a train ride with his entrance, so I bought tokens for us too. We headed down towards the train first and took our ride. [Of course we passed animals along the way.]
Spence and Sidnie on the train waiting for everyone to get on.
A shot of the train from our seats as we rode along.
An otter way back in the "river."
Otter that is hard to see near the wood. He's looking for a carrot we threw into their place.
Otter again...
Leopards (one black)...
Huge Turtle...
Spencer also got a token for the Carousel (and I didn't buy any for Sidnie because I didn't know Spencer would have one). He had a blast on his ride at the end of the day while Sidnie pouted.
Sad Sid as Spencer rode around and around.
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