Zack has had a loose tooth on the bottom for a little while. Yesterday we had a dentist appointment and he was trying to get his tooth out, but it "hurt" when he pulled on it. I (Mom) asked if I could try. With a quick yank it was out. He didn't think I had gotten it, because he thought it would hurt worse than it did. But, out it came and he was very pleased. He was very excited for the Tooth Fairy to come last night for the first time. He was not dissappointed, he got $3.00 (one of them a gold dollar) and a note of congratuations from said Tooth Fairy. Yipee!
Hiking In St. George
6 years ago
Wow, I am impressed, the Tooth fairy must like you guys a lot more than us, mine only get a dollar and half the time the Tooth fairy can't find our house!