On Monday, we headed off to Sherando Lake. We had been there several years before with the kids, but just as we were beginning to get in the water on that trip, the heavens opened and the rain came pouring down, so our adventures were cut short. Not this time. The kids wanted to swim out to the Island first. So, off we went...
The Island...

I don't know how far out it was 100 yards or more. We were worried a few years ago that it was too far for the kids. This time, we felt much more confident in their abilities since most of them are on the swim team. Kammie, Jordan, Zack and Peter all headed out to the island right away. James went out with Spencer. Kate went more than half way, freaked out and turned around and came back. Mom went to help her. Then Mom swam out with Sidnie. Sid had arm floaties on and made it with lots of help from Mom, who was tired out by the end.
We got out to the Island and discovered some rocks that you could jump off of. It said no diving, because it wasn't super deep and there were rocks where you would land. The kids didn't want to try it, but after watching some from another group go, I (Kathie) went first. I landed okay, but needed to keep my legs bent longer. After that, Zack was dying to try.
Zack taking off...

Zack 1st jump...


Zack after a jump heading back to go again...

J jump...

Kam jump...

Zack jump with tounge out...

Zack best shot of one of his jumps...

You could also walk around the lake and get to a place where you could "walk" across to the Island without having to take the long swim. That is how Kate got across in the end. I also took Sidnie back that way.
Kath and Sid in deep...

Here Kath is with Sid coming up and out of the water onto the Island...

Group on Island...

Zack, Jordan, Kate, Kammie, Sidnie with Kathie, and cousin Jacob

Vernetta ran into an old friend/ward member...

Sid on the beach...


Sid in towel...

Spencer with goggles playing in the sand...

Kate and G-ma Vernetta in chairs...

Sid in the water...

Spencer on Peter's shoulders...

Another shot with Jake nearby...

Kam and Pete in the water...

Jake, Kam, Spence and Pete...

Kath and Sid walking to Island...

Kath and Sid in deep...

Group on Island...