On Monday for F.H.E. we went out to our garden and cleared out one of the boxes. We picked lots of Basil and all the mint we had left and cleared out the dead cucumber vines. That night James made 6 batches of Pesto and 4 more a couple of days later after we bought more Pine Nuts, Parmesan and fresh Garlic. Our freezer is loaded up with Pesto for a while. We also made more fresh mint ice cream with the mint from our garden. (Jordan was happy about that.) And we still have another garden box to go. We left the plants in the second box, because it was dark and because there are lots of green tomatoes, bell peppers and Basil still growing in that one. It's gotten colder this week though, so I don't know how long that will last.
Anyway, Peppy decided he would explore the ice cream maker box while it was out on the table. What a silly cat!

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