My favorite professor/teacher/speaker at BYU had his wife pass away the week before last. My heart hurt for him. I have thought many times over the last few years that I would like to write to him and thank him for the wonderful example he is/was and for the great influence he's had on my life, but never did, because I didn't have his address. (I didn't make much effort to find it either.) So, when I learned that his dear wife had died, I got an e-mail address for him and finally sat down on Thursday morning and wrote a heart felt expression of my condolences and thanked him for being one of my heroes. I threw in my best memories of him and it was great to just remember and reflect on times in his classes or when he was the sealer at my sister's wedding in the temple, or even the things I learned as I read his books. He's incredible! I was satisfied with my efforts and sent the e-mail.
Less than 15 minutes later he responded. How amazing is that! That made that day one of my best ones for sure. Thanks George!
Hiking In St. George
7 years ago
Wow! He's amazing, as always. And so are you, for taking the time to write to him. I'm sorry to hear his wife passed away.