A tradition in our family is having holiday pillowcases. It started with me (Kathie). When I was little, my G-ma Peggy made each of her grandchildren a Christmas pillowcase. We would get them out after Thanksgiving and have them on our pillows for the entire month of December. So, with my own children, Karen G-ma has made Christmas, Easter, and Halloween pillow cases. [It's been a great way for each of the children to celebrate and have the season on their mind each night as they go to bed.] But Sidnie didn't have a Halloween one and this year she was old enough to realize it. So, I found some Ghost fabric that I had and tried my hand at making a pillowcase instead of having my Mom have to make one and mail it out here. It turned out okay I think. And Sidnie was thrilled to have one of her own.
The end result...

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A Halloween Cat one that my Mom made--this one is Kammie's.

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