All the kids inside the museum near a painting on the wall of the Wright Brother's first flight...
Wright Monument...
Sid with a shot of the big monument...
Spencer near a plaque...
A blurry shot of a plane that flew over while we were up near the monument...
James, Spencer, Jordan, cousin Jacob, Kammie, Sidnie, Kate, Zack
A shot [far away] of the big monument...
Zack, Kammie, Kate, Jordan, Spencer, Jacob, Kathie, and Sidnie overlooking the hill from where the monument is. It was very windy and you could see how they would pick this place to make attempts in Flight...
A view from afar...
Zack wanting to see what was "up there"...
Then on the far side of the monument, they have a display in metal that is a reenactment of the "first flight" attempts. You can climb up and pretend to take part...
Sid with Wilber (or Orvil)...
Zack and Spencer in a tree while we waited for Dad and the car...
While waiting for James to go get the car (we had walked a LONG way to get to the plane) Sidnie said she needed to go to the bathroom. Mom took her over to some bushes to go there since we were a long way from the nearest bathroom. All was fine, until Mom set her down. Sidnie put her foot right down on a small cactus that was there in the grass. OUCH! She got several big cactus barbs and lots of tiny ones in her big toe/foot. Mom then got them in her finger and thumb while trying to pull them out.
Like the small cactus in the grass that Sidnie stepped on...
We ended up going back inside the museum and getting the rangers help. He gave us tweezers and some tape (for the tiny cactus prickles) and some band aids. You should have heard Sidnie scream as we pulled out the big barbs. They were in good and you had to pull hard. Poor thing. Sidnie was given a Jr. Ranger's badge for her "bravery" (hee hee).
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