Zack was disappointed when he found out Jordan had gone to the beach to see the sunrise and we hadn't woken him up. So, I promised him I would take him the next morning. I was up until 1 am doing some laundry and packing, so I wasn't sure when I went to bed if I was really going to get up. But right before my alarm was going to go off, I was awoken my the loud sound of a door. (I assumed someone else from our group was off to watch the sun rise.) I had to get up to use the bathroom, since I had been awakened, and then I debated whether I should wake Zack or not. I decided to at least give him a chance. I opened the door to the room where he was sleeping on the bottom bunk with Spencer. When I opened the door, both of my boys looked up at me. I signaled for them to come here. Zack got right up, but Spencer laid right back down. I asked Zack if he wanted to go watch the sun rise and he said yes. So we walked to the beach. Then I remembered I wanted the camera, so we ran back (the block) to our beach house and got the camera out of our car and ran back to the beach. Then we proceeded to wait and wait and wait. Zack chased crabs, played in the water and dug holes in the sand.
Pretty dark...

Zack watching the waves...

I had pretty much determined that we weren't going to be able to see the sun come up right over the water because there were a group of clouds right on the horizon. They must have been thick and we weren't going to see the huge ball of light peak out right above the waters. Just as I had made this conclusion, we looked out and saw this...

DOLPHINS! - - There were about 7 dolphins in all in different little groups swimming along the shore line and jumping out of the ocean every so often. It made it all worth it. (And NO, it's not a shark.) I was even able to capture that dark shot above. [That in itself is amazing. All summer long I've tried to take pictures of my children at their swim meets. I'd snap the photos as best I could and would usually end up with their head back under the water and just a splash on the surface and I was left wondering which child it was swimming in the end.] We watched the dolphins go on and on and on. (So VERY COOL!) So what if the sun didn't come up right above the water so we could see it? We saw live DOLPHINS. And they were NOT out very deep. We had been out that far to swim, body surf and boogie board. We wanted to be able to jump in and touch them, but we were content to just watch those amazing creatures go.
Finally getting lighter...

And then...

It was gorgeous, amazing and INCREDIBLE. What a wonderful time spent with my Zacky boy. Who needs sleep anyway?
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