Zack opted to try soccer this year instead of year round swimming. I think he was mostly interested in being with friends. So, we decided he could give it a try. [What's one more activity and place to be, Right?] Luckily he got on a team with four of his friends from church and other friends from school. And practices fell on decent days for us. Their team is the Green Hurricanes. The first game was on Sept. 7th.
Johnny on the left, Zack on the right
Zack is number 15 on the far right
We wore white for "away" games.
On the bench with Spencer Wood waiting for his turn to get into the game.
Gary and Zack
Team picture day September 28, 2013
Other game shots from the Fall Season...
Overall Zacky had a good time. The team wasn't the best, but they got a few wins. Now we wait for Spring to resume the fun.