The Maumelle Marlins first Swim Meet was a home meet on Saturday, June 11, 2011. Jordan, Kammie, Zack, and Spencer are all on the team this year.
[6 and unders can swim kickboard and 25 yarders. 7 & 8's swim 25 yard events. 9 and up swim 50 yard events, unless it's IM.]
Spencer swimming kickboard at the Mock (practice) swim meet on Monday the 6th of June.

Spencer in the water with his kickboard ready to go.

And he's off...

Farther out and making his way across the pool (25 yards).

We are glad that Spencer was willing/able to have this experience. He finished 32nd of 33 kickboarders age 6 and under. He did it in 2:27.98. I'd say we are hoping for the "most improved" award by the end of the season. He just needs to learn to kick bending his knees less. That kills all his momentum.
Zacky was one of the oldest in his age category last year for swimming and did very well. This year he is on the young end. He swims against 8 year olds and they can even be close to turning 9, while he is just 7. He still swims 25 yard events though.
Zack back stroke...

Another shot of his backstroke...

Zack butterfly...

Zack did well for this meet. They have gold, silver and bronze times and once they earn a higher time, the compete in that category. Zack got a first place ribbon in the bronze division for his freestyle, but earned a gold time (20.15). [Next meet he'll be swimming in the gold division for this event.] He earned a first place ribbon in the 25 yard backstroke in the silver division, but with a bronze time of 29.12. Zack was on a 100 yard freestyle relay team (4 people each swimming 25 yards) that took first place with a time of 1:34.25--he swam the 2nd leg of this relay race. He got disqualified in the breaststroke for not bringing his head up each stroke cycle and earned a first place ribbon in the butterfly in the bronze category with a bronze time of 31.97.
Jordan is new to the swim team this year. So being older and just starting can be difficult to compare to those who have done it for years. She did a great job We just want her to go out there and improve and get better.
Jordan doing freestyle...

Jordan doing backstroke...

Jordan doing breaststroke coming at the camera...

Jordan just pushing off the wall on breast stroke...

Jordan is in the 12-13 year old girls category. They swim 50 yards, which is two lengths of the pool. I was very proud of her for doing a flip turn on her freestyle. Her freestyle time was 42.70. Her backstroke time was 57.94. She earned a 7th place ribbon on her breaststroke with a bronze time of 57.65. Way to go J!
Kammie was one of the oldest in her age category last year and has now moved up to be on the younger side of the 9-10 age group. This means she moves from swimming 25 yard events to the 50 yarders. This is a transition for her. She can do flip turns, but opted not to do it on her freestyle this meet. Kammie participated in the 100 yards Individual Medley (IM) event. [This is swimming one length of the pool of each stroke. You do butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, then freestyle.]
Kammie swimming the breaststroke on her IM.

Kam on the freestyle of her IM. (She needs to work on conditioning. She was taking long breaths by the time she got to her freestyle.)

Kam on her backstroke...

Kam butterfly farther out...

Kam butterfly closer up...

Kam butterfly on her way back...

Kammie received a first place ribbon on her IM in the silver division with a silver time of 1:50.22. She won a 4th place ribbon on her freestyle in the bronze division, but earned a silver time of 40.50. Kammie earned a 5th place ribbon on her backstroke in the bronze division with a bronze time of 53.33. She received a first place ribbon being on a 100 yard freestyle relay team swimming the third leg. Their time was 1:03.53. And she earned a 3rd place ribbon for her butterfly in the bronze division with a bronze time of 54.92. Yeah!
We (Kammie) noticed as we were leaving the meet that Zack's name is on the Maumelle Marlins record board in two events. They track the records by age group and event. We knew he earned a Meet of Champs record last year being on the winning 100 yard freestyle relay team, but we didn't know he had set two records. Here they are for his freestyle and backstroke.

Way to go Zack! We have other friends whose names are still on the board. (Issac, Caden, and Jayce.)