A few months back, I colored Kammie's hair with what I thought was a wash out color, but I was wrong. It was permanent. We mostly liked the results. But now, the roots are growing out and coming in a different color than the rest. I asked my friend, who does hair, to help me get it back to the color it was or at least the color the roots were growing back as. She came over this afternoon and was happy to help. In the end Kammie got her hair cut as well as the new color. She looks great!
[Thanks Sayra. You are too kind.]
This is Before we began (she had had a couple of little braids in her hair that gave it the pizzazz.

After the first round of color (Dark Blonde) and a partial hair cut to get rid of the ashy (greenish) ends.

A second color application, just waiting for it to take...

Kammie's new "Do/look."

from the back...

While eating her bedtime snack...

And since we had extra color and I am cheap and don't like things to go to waste, the boys got in on the action...


I don't have after photos of theirs, because it's such a suttle difference that the camera really doesn't do it justice--just some Auburn highlights.