I checked Spencer out of school after on Friday (the 24th of May) after his little ceremony. Zack and Kammie wanted to stay a little bit longer. Kate and Jordan stayed home that day. So after lunch, we checked Kammie and Zack out too and headed to the Little Rock Zoo with our newly acquired zoo pass. [We haven't had a pass to the zoo since we had a Boon Shoft reciprcal zoo pass and the LR Zoo revoked their privledges. It urked me, so we haven't spent our money there for 3-4 years. But, at our youth fundrasier dinner, I was able to get an annual zoo pass for the family for only $50.] Sidnie has never beent to the zoo that she remembers anyway. It was hot, but we had a great time.
We began with an animal show.
This guy was out with this bird inviting people to come to the show.


Small owl.

Big owl.

Shy Penguin.

Zack petting the opossum.

Spencer lost his shoe down into the anteater habitat.

My shoe is a long way down. They had to radio a zoo keeper to come corral the animal and then get us his shoe.

Anteaters sure are funny looking.

Sleeping Fox.

Monkey. This one sure has a set of pipes.


Otters [For some reason, these are my favorites. To get their attention we brought some carrot sticks that we threw in to them. Then we threw goldfish crakers.]

Sid on the fence trying to get a better look...

of this little guy.

Giant Tortoise.

Red eared Slider Turtles out in the sunshine. [When we bike around Lake Willastein, you can see turtles like this, but they are much more jumpy and dive into the water at the first hint of someone approaching.]

Kammie and Spencer near a Swan.

Sidnie and Kammie with the Gorilla statue.