Christmas morning had most of the family gathered in from their various homes to my parents home by 7 am. Aunts Tara and Kelly with those of our children who had slept over at their homes came to start the Mayhem.

Tara, Jordan and Kammie...

Zack and Spencer...

Sidnie with James...

G-ma Vernetta...

And that is actually how we started...with the Marshall's Map of Mass Mayhem. My sister Tara had made a "Harry Potter" Marauder's type map, complete with clues to help them discover where their gifts were hidden. It began: "From youngest to oldest is what you must do. A room on this map contains the first clue. When you find a clue, go to the room with that number. To see what you can discover." There was a picture of some Russian wooden stackable dolls. That is where the first clue was hidden.
Spencer helped find the clue in the wooden dolls because Sidnie was unsure of what was going on at that point.

The first clue read: Number One's gift is ina storage space, With mittens and gloves, it's a warm, fuzzy place." The Hall Seat in the Utility Room was where Sidnie discovered her present.

With Sidnie's present came the next clue. This one was for Spencer. The clue simply had a picture of piano keys. Easy enough.
He got the Young Indiana Jones series...

"For Number Three's gift, it's an easy direction. Just open the drawer where you see your reflection." Zack's gift was in the sofa table drawer right in front of a mirror.
Harry Potter 7.2 and Cars II...

"In normal life, this item is usually read, But if you open it wide, you'll find a gift instead."
My parents have a wooden box that looks like a book...

She was thrilled with her Jimmer Jersey...

Jordan's clue read: Remember National Treasure, the movie can't be beat. Your clue is slyly hidden. You must bring it out with..."
Heat was the answer. She had to place her paper clue in the oven and find the hidden message written with lemon juice on the back. So Fun!
Jordan has wanted knit sheets ever since she slept over at Aunt Tara's house last Christmas. Now she has purple knit sheets of her own...

"Falling down and landing in a pile, Lift up to receive your smile."
This one was found in the utility room in the laundry shoot.
Kate got knit sheets as well...

"Thing 1 and Thing 2's gifts are side by side. Just open each set of doors really wide."
James and my gifts were found in entryway closets that are side by side. We each got a book. Baldacci and Grisham's latest. YEAH! (No pictures.)
Sidnie getting a Rapunzel Polly...

Sid with a new Princess quilted wall hanging made by G-ma Karen with the same fabrics from their new quilts on their beds...

Spencer giving a gift to G-ma Vernetta...

Spencer with some new fireman type legos...

Zack with a wooden tractor set. He was excited that once he put this together it could be used to pass off something for cub scouts.

James made these signs out of Maple and Cherry wood and gave them to my Tara, Cammie and Erich and my Dad (and Mom).

We had church (sacrament meeting) at 11am. But Sidnie could be found getting in some polly play time with G-ma V.

We had prime rib for dinner and my sister Cammie arrived with her husband and children. It was a great day to spend with family. We so enjoy any time we can spend with our loved ones that we don't see often enough.