I've gotten behind in writing anything because of the RS lesson I had to teach on the 1st and also the talk I had to prepare and give today in Sacrament meeting. Now that those are over with, I will get caught up on posting pictures and things.
A couple of weeks ago we got lots and lots and lots of rain. One thing I saw said we got 5.57" in a 24 hour period. And the rain was not over at that point. It kept raining and raining and raining. We must have had a flowing "river" in our back yard the Saturday night the 30th. We can tell that because of the way debris settled in the back yard. And we know that the road over from us had water halfway up their mailbox. We also had friends that had water 4 feet in their back yard and front yard and eventually they got at least 4 inches into their entire home. They've been ripping out carpet, wood and tile flooring and so on. They've even had to take out the bottom part of the dry wall and redo that. Another girl in our ward, had the flood waters come as high as half way up her car window, so her car was totaled and she had to get a new one. What a mess!
Water puddles in the back yard.

Out farther in the backyard that becomes swampy often when it rains.

A Robin bathing in the swamp.

Settled debris in the back yard against the playset.

Debris against a tree.

We had just built a bigger "cage" area for Boxer, the turtle we found, the night before all the rain started. His new home was probably in the middle of the flowing river in our back yard Saturday night. We found him burried under grass clippings that was strewn throughout his "cage." We brought him back inside for a few days, while things dried out some.

When I finally let Boxer out again in his new home, he found a way to escape and we haven't seen him since. That makes the kids sad, but the turtle is probably happier to be free.