Ever since I colored away James' gray hairs (and Jordan got in on the fun too), Kammie has wanted me to do her hair as well. I didn't want it to be a drastic color change, so I got a blond color and hoped it would lighten her hair a bit. And since we had some extra color, Zack got in on the fun as well. Kammie's hair is a brassy blond now, or some have said strawberry blond. Zack's is orange. I knew Zack's would grow out quickly, so it's fine. Hopefully friends at school won't give him a hard time. (And you may just need to see it in person, to see the real results we see...)
Kammie before...

Kam waiting while the color sets...

Still waiting...

The results...

The results the next morning from the back...

A front view this morning...

Zack with color spiked hair and a big smile...

Another Zacky shot...

The results on Zack last night at bedtime...

It's lighter (orange) in places and splotchy. I was trying not to rub the color into his scalp, like the directions say, but since his hair is so short, he's all scalp.
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