On Thursday the 14th, Spencer had his first field trip with his Pre-K class to a local Pumpking Patch. Sidnie and I tagged along for the ride.
Spencer's first school bus ride.

Coming off the bus.

Small group.

Spencer's class with Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Beasley.

Looking at the baby cows.

Spencer coming out of the Hay tunnel.

The other hay tunnel with Sid.

Petting the lambs.

On the tractor headed out for a ride to the pumpkin patch with Mrs. Thompson in front.

Boy is this pumpkin heavy!

Checking out the pumpkins.

And another.

Sidnie with the bag for our pumpkin.

Spencer and his friend Jonathan.

Sidnie with Jonathan's twin Natalie.


Spencer swinging on the rings like Indiana Jones.

More Indy...

Sid on the big farm slide...

Spencer helping to pull the wagon with Jonathan and Natalie.

All the pumpkins the kids picked are in the wagon.

Spencer pulling the cooler.

It was a fun and beautiful day! (Not like when Zack went 3 years ago with his pre-k class. It was cold and muddy that day.) Spencer ended up picking a pumpkin from an area of the patch that wasn't allowed apparently, so his was bigger than the rest and when we got back from the hay tractor ride, the owner lady came over and immediately started telling me I had to give it back and exchange it for a smaller one. I calmly asked if we could just pay the difference and keep that pumpkin. She wasn't real keen on this idea, but in the end we paid and extra $4 for our large pumpking.