My Grandpa Mervil Hanna died on February 29, 2012 just two weeks shy of his 95th birthday. He lived an amazing life, and he went peacefully in his sleep. My G-pa was half Japanese, and even though the Japanese Americans were put into camps during the war for a time, he was willing to fight for this country and did so twice. And since he was "from" Albuquerque, NM he was often thought as Hispanic rather than Japanese. It was so very wonderful to gather with family and friends (many that I don't get to see that often, but who are amazing and incredible people I am proud to be related to)to honor the life of my dear G-pa. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity. [Thanks to my husband for holding down the fort at home and to friends who helped out with Sidnie.]
My Dad's father was a bomber pilot in WWII that went down with his B-24 on his 23rd mission. So he is someone I've never met in this life. Even my Dad never got to meet his Dad. My Dad's mother remarried and thus the Olson Hanna connection was formed. G-pa Mervil was the only G-pa I ever knew and he represented the others well.
Here is what the funeral program said as a brief look at Mervil's life:
"Mervil was the oldest of six born to Joseph Hanna (Junichi Hanaoka) of Midori, Hiroshima-ken, Japan and Clara Dee Wad of the Narrow, Ohio County, Kentucky. He played football for Gallup High and Albuquerque High, graduating in 1935. He rose above the status that some ascribed to him as "the son of a Jap cook," and became the neighborhood grocer for hundreds of people who shopped at Smiling Food Market, where he became manager, and the three stores he owned: Bandelier Market, Hanna's IGA Foodliner, and Corrales Market. He received honorable discharges from the Merchant Maries and Army. After WWII, while at Smiling Food Market, the handsome manager with het-black hair and a big smile attracted the attention of Peggy Marie Pollack Olson, a widow who came from Utah to visit her sister, Marjorie Komadina. They married in 1948. [They had three children David, Suzanne and Phillip.] Dad, in our hearts, we will keep your love of music and movies, your passion for politics, your charity to the underdog, and your ability to make friends in coffee shops all over town. We are grateful for the many miracles in your life, and that the Lord preserved you for the example of determination, love and wisdom you gave us."
Mervil's viewing...
Mervil in coffin...
Waiting for burial to start...Xander and Niko in G-pa Mervil's bow ties...

Hanna cousins (Scott, Beth, Angie, Melanie, Ben)...

(The were even in order youngest to oldest.)
Kelly and Beth...

Steve, Mom, Charlee...

Komadina's before burial...

(Dwayne Victor, Neal and Theresa Komadina with Collin and their daughter, Penny Komadina and Taylor Christiansen.)
Pallbearers: [Not in order] Aaron Schalk, Michael Schalk, Bryan Richardson, [In order] Scott Hanna, Ben Hanna, and Stan Olson

Pallbearers with coffin...

Pallbearers bringing coffin...

Pallbearers almost there...

Pallbearers set coffin down...

Uncle David, Aunt Charlee, Aunt Suzie, Dad...

Coffin with flag...

Soldier's salute coffin...

Honor Guard...

Honor Guard firing...

Fold flag...

Fold flag into triangle...

Soldiers and casket...

Presenting flag to Suzanne Midori Hanna...

Soldier march away...

Soldier leaving...

Honor Guard leave...


(You probably can't see the tear rolling down his face, but I was touched by my cousins heartfelt love for our wonderful G-pa.)
Steve and Penny Komadina with Mervil's children and their spouses:


Some of the Komadina Family...

Hanna Family...

Hanna Family-Scott making faces...

Kelly with Flag...

Hanna's and Suzie with Flag...

Suzie with flag...

Neal and Penny...

Steve Komadina...

My brother Stan with his wife Amy, and their two oldest sons Niko, Xander Olson...

Some of the Olson Family...

Gentry Appleberry...

(A veteran himself who helped watch over Mervil while he was still living by himself.)
The funeral luncheon at El Pinto'sCalvin Appleberry...

Gentry's brother who played the music on the keyboard at the funeral and luncheon.
My nephew Xander...

Nephew Niko...

Niko's toothless smile...

Those who didn't speak at the funeral were given the opportunity at the end of the luncheon to make some remarks. My brother Stan did a great job with his remarks and was the favorite apparently. Here are a couple of shots I took of the comments made...
Uncle David...

Terry Olson...

Kathie and my cousin (Dr.) Angie Hanna...

Mervil's headstone...

(I was told that G-pa Mervil ordered his headstone and had it made after his son Phillip died back in 1978.)
My Uncle Phillip Hanna's headstone/grave (G-ma Peggy and G-pa Mervil's son)...

Joseph Hanna (Junichi Hanaoka) headstone/grave...

(Junichi Hanaoka was Mervil's father, but he was known as Joe Hanna.)
Clara Hanna's headstone/grave...