I must say that we have the best music teacher ever! (Way better than one school my kids went to where music consisted of the music teacher pushing in a Disney video for the kids to watch.) Three years ago, when Jordan was in 5th grade, the music teacher took on her 1st 5th Grade Musical. They did Annie Jr. that year. I think they'be done High School Musical and Aladin Jr. since then. This year Willy Wonka Jr. was chosen. Kammie was very excited to participate and was brave enough to try out. She hoped for the part of Veruca Salt (as most of the 5th grade girls did), but only two could be chosen for each part. [They performed the musical two nights, with different kids in the lead roles each night--that's a lot of work right there getting two casts ready and not just one.]
Back in the Fall they held try out practices and then try outs. Kammie listened to the songs and stayed after school and gave it her all. She was chosen for the part of Mrs. Beauregard (Violet's mother). She wasn't thrilled with being cast as an adult, but we were thrilled she had a part and could participate. For the next several months they held practice after school each Thursday. After the holidays, practices were held every Monday and Thursday after school. Kam continued to work hard to learn her lines and her song parts.
Performance week arrived and they had a Saturday practice, Monday after school practice and Dress Rehersals on Wednesday from after school until 9pm plus. Then Thursday was the first performance. Kam was excited and nervous to make her musical debut. There was one song where a kid always forgot his line in the song right before hers, which made it more difficult for her to know when to come in for her part. I told her she needed to know his line, where he came in, to say that line in your head and then your line out loud whether he said it or not.
Mrs. Beauregard (close up) with make up on and ready to go...

(Full view)...

Mrs. B and Violet (Cassidy) before the curtain went up...

Willy Wonka and the Oompa Loompas...

Brs. B. and Violet talk with the reporter Phinneaus Trout about finding the golden ticket...

B & V...


Mrs. B...

B, V and Mrs. TeeVee...

eyes closed for this shot...

saying one of her lines...

At Charlie Bucket's house... (Mrs. Bucket was played by Kammie's friend Shelby.)

Waiting to come on stage for the tour of the chocolate factory...

In they come...


on stage...

making an exit...

B &V...

On the tour of the factory...

On the candy boat...

Blueberry gum...

shot of the whole scene...

Mrs. B...

Violet with Kam in the background...

Mrs. B and the TeeVees...

whole scene shot...

Charlie, Mrs. B. and Violet...


Kam after the play that first night

I have to say, the very best scene of the night came when the curtain was closing and some of the Oompa Loompa's got caught on stage. They didn't know what to do. Some turned back to get back behind the curtain before it fully closed. But one made everyone laugh when he dove under the curtain to get off as fast as he could. It was great and everyone applauded.
The next night Kammie was a candyman kid and had a smaller role to play.

She was excited to be the cart stealer in this scene...

with suckers...

Veruca Salt played by Kammie's best friend Ana Grace...

Getting ready to take a bow...

Exiting the stage...

After with flowers from her family and her Activity Day friends that came to watch...

After the tear down of the set, they had a Pizza party with the cast and crew.
The cake...

The cake and the balloons...

Getting her award...

Mrs. Csege, truly and outstanding music teacher!...