On Tuesday the 8th, they called school off for the next day because of coming inclement weather. James work was also cancelled. On the radio they were calling it Snowpocalypse or Snowmageddon. So we slept in. At 7:30 am the snow had not yet begun to fall. By 8:30am when we got out of bed the ground was covered with a thin layer of fine snow. And it kept falling all day. We only got 6" or 7" inches, but for Arkansas and the South, that is enough to stop life dead in it's tracks. School has been cancelled for three days, eben though there has been no new snow since that first day. It has been bitter cold and stuff is not melting on the roads very quickly. And they don't have many snow plows. By the time I actually saw two trucks with plow blades going by, they weren't getting any of the hard packed snow and ice off the roads, so it didn't do much good.
Anyway, the kids got out there the first day to play in the snow. For Mom, it had lost it's excitement. Dad did shovel the driveway and the pile he made was used by Jordan, Kammie and Zack to dig out a snow cave. The snow wouldn't pack the first day either, so we waited until it started to melt and then when it was packable, Mom, Spencer and Sidnie made a huge snowman. Hopefully, life will get back on track soon. We enjoyed our time together as a family.
Sidnie out in the snow. (This picture was taken by Mom from inside the house through the window.)

Spencer on top of the pile of snow. (Also taken through the window.)

Jordan at work digging out the snow to make a snow cave with Zacky looking on.

Jordan still hard at work.

Zacky enjoying the snow cave from inside.

More Zack...

Sidnie pretending to sleep on the picnic bench while she waited for Mom to get her boots and gloves on and come out in the snow to play with her.

Sidnie in the snow on the back porch.

More Sid...

Our huge Snowman, Indiana Jones style (his hat).

Spencer and Sidnie with their snowman.

Mom went and got better sticks for the snowman's arms, so here's Spencer with the new improved snowman.