I guess I haven't been taking many pictures these last few weeks, therefore I have not posted anything here on the Blog. I know I don't have to include pictures, but, it makes it easier to write about things.
This past week [September 13th] the school district implemented the school time change for elementary schools. (You'll remember that a judge ruled that they had to take the 40 minutes a day they added in, out of the school day.) Instead of going back to the way it was, the new start time is 8:25am and the day ends at 3:10pm, but for our school [Pine Forest], since some of the buses run a high school or middle school route and then an elementary school route, school ends at 3:10, but the bus isn't available until close to 4pm. My kids have been riding the bus to school in the morning and we have a carpool set up in the afternoon for pick up. It has gone well so far and I'm very pleased to have my children home sooner. Thank goodness for a judge with some sense.
Spencer recently has decided that he wants to go around without his shirt on. I don't really encourage that, but he does it without me knowing sometimes. Sidnie now thinks that she can do the same thing. This is how I found her a couple of Sunday's ago after church. She was wearing Kate's heels and running around without her shirt on.
Silly Girl Sidnie!

Filling Kate's shoes..

This past week at school, Spencer had to make a "ME" star for school. He listed his favorite color (brown), his favorite toy (Lightning McQueen), his favorite food (pasta) and his favorite book. He couldn't choose just one, so he chose Curious George and Scooby Doo books.