Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Zack has lost his FIRST Tooth!

Zack has had a loose tooth on the bottom for a little while. Yesterday we had a dentist appointment and he was trying to get his tooth out, but it "hurt" when he pulled on it. I (Mom) asked if I could try. With a quick yank it was out. He didn't think I had gotten it, because he thought it would hurt worse than it did. But, out it came and he was very pleased. He was very excited for the Tooth Fairy to come last night for the first time. He was not dissappointed, he got $3.00 (one of them a gold dollar) and a note of congratuations from said Tooth Fairy. Yipee!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lost Tooth

Kammie finally lost her first top front tooth. She's 8 1/2, and I was starting to get worried. We have a dentist appointment on Tuesday and I was going to ask the dentist some serious questions--have him x-ray to see if she actually has adult teeth underneath there. Anyway, it was a loose, probably not quite ready to come out and she had me and James try to pull it. We determined that it was not ready to come out yet. But, she was determined. She went into the bathroom and came out triumphant with her tooth in hand. The other front top tooth is loose and will come out soon. Yeah!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Monday we woke up to about 3 inches of snow on the ground and more falling fast (we probably got 2-4 more inches during the morning for a total of 7 inches in all)in big huge flakes that reminded us of being in Utah--not the usual skiff Arkansas is known to get and have not last very long. Well, we went out, built a snowman, made snow angels, and had a snowball fight. Then Jordan made a snow seat complete with foot rest and Spencer built his own mini snowman. Even Sidnie had fun being out in the snow. The power went out around 1 pm and didn't come back on until half way through trying to make dinner by candle light on our gas stove. (We were getting cold and very thankful to have the power back on.) We were maybe going to get more snow Monday night and school was cancelled for Tuesday as well, even though we didn't get much new snow--maybe a skiff. James didn't have work for those two days either and we had fun playing together as a family. Wednesday no new snow, but the wet stuff melting some during the day and then freezing at night causes black ice spots and school was cancelled again. Work was delayed 2 hours for James. Today (Thursday, we still aren't having school because all of the rural roads in our school district are NOT open and some kids might not be able to make it. CRAZY! There is no reason to not have school today and we are adding more and more days that will have to be made up sometime. The Little Rock school district is having school today and on Monday, instead of the planned President's Day holiday. I hope our school district gets things together. I love having some fun days, but this is past crazy. Be lenient on the kids who can't get to school and give them time to make up the work, but let's get back to class.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Spencer came out of my room a couple of weeks ago hiding something behind his back. He pulled out an empty bottle of maple syrup and announced: "I drank the rest of this!" Luckily there wasn't a whole lot left before he got his hands on it, but he was creative anyway to climb up and pull that out. Yuck to drinking syrup straight!

So proud of his accomplishment.

Sidnie on the move

Sidnie has really been on the move lately and gets herself hurt constantly. She fell off a kitchen stool last week and has a black eye as a left over reminder. Last night she bonked into the kitchen table and has a big knot above her eyes and in between her nose. She's looking good. Hopefully, she'll learn quickly not to get injured so easily.

The black eye.

It's harder to see, but the bump inbetween her nose.