My friend was able to go out of town this past week (to Miami, FL) with her husband to a medical conference where he presented his research. She had a friend all lined up to watch her kids, but that friend's g-pa had a massive heart attack, so she had to scramble to find somewhere else for the kids to go. We were blessed with Sidnie's BFF Halle. It was like having twins. They were great together, except at bedtime. We had to have Halle lay on the couch until she fell asleep and then carry her into the bedroom or they were talking, jumping on the beds and having a good old time.
They had fun having me spin them around in this chair. (And they didn't even get sick.)

A view from above them...(aren't they so cute?)

At the nursing home watching Spencer perform.

I can never get them to look at me at the same time for a picture. Here they are both looking at each other instead of at the camera.

A toothbrushing party one night in Zack and Spencer's room.

Breakfast one morning started with just the dehydrated marshmellows from Lucky Charms...